As sellers curate their shops, lots of things go into the items they choose. Of course we want to consider trends. Mine is heavily based on my own tastes and styles. But another place I get inspiration is my past. My family is super important to me and here are a few pieces that I regularly carry in the shop that are a part of my memories!
- Grandma's Jewelry Box : Everyone's Grandma had one. Everyone's. We loved seeing these beauties on her dresser and opening it to find the treasures laid out on the gorgeous velvet inside.
Want your own? Find this one here.
Find this one here.
- Mirrored Dresser Trays and Hand Mirrors : A lady's vanity was her domain. A space just for her, filled with lovely things. I have my Grandmother's dresser tray and my other Grandmother's hand mirror on my own dresser.
Find this one here.
Find this one here.
- Needlepoint : I have two needlepoint pieces that my Grandmother made me for my childhood bedroom. Some of my favorites. My Grandpa made rustic wood frames for them, complete with beer tab hangers on the back! You just can't beat the homey feel of textile art.

Find this beauty here.
- Treasure Chest Jewelry Box : So what about the guys?! My tastes are also heavily influenced by my Grandfathers. One has always had one of these cool treasure chest jewelry boxes. What treasures there are inside! Chunky men's jewelry, pocket watches, turquoise're speaking my language.
Find this stud here.
- Vintage Military : Not only do I love the masculine industrial look of military, but both of my Grandpas were in the military, one in the Navy and one in the Army. So many amazing stories and history in the pieces saved from their experiences!
Find this warm piece here.
Last one can be found here.
- Vintage Tools : Nothing like Grandpa's wood shop! So many sights, sounds and smells. Many memories made and I love a good rustic piece straight out of the shop!
Find this slice of Americana here.
Find this rustic shop stool here.
I hope you've enjoyed this walk down my own memory lane. Vintage items bring a certain level of warmth and character to a home. Memories posted at crucial moments in your home make it truly yours. Pictures are great but things are a subtle reminder of where we've been and where we come from, evoking a story at every turn. I hope your home is filled not only with things you love presently, but also with things you've loved from your past.
If you are looking for that special something from your past, check our website for the perfect piece!
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